Board-Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon
Subspecialty Certification in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
University of Central Florida Medical School Staff
Subspecialty Certification in Robotic and
Computer Navigated Total Joint Replacement.
Cellulite Reduction + Skin Tightening
Safe and Effective
Clinically Proven Results
Treat the Abdomen, Arms, Buttocks, Legs & Thighs
Painless & Non-Invasive
No Downtime
Build Muscle and Burn Fat
Safe and Effective
Clinically Proven Results
Comprehensive Body Contouring
Decreases Fat by 30%
Increases muscle by 25%
Long-Term Belly Fat Reduction
Painless, Convenient 30-Minute Sessions
No Downtime
The body has an amazing potential to heal. Science is allowing us to tap into that potential with non-invasive techniques. Using scientific procedures allow a patient to avoid much longer and more involved treatments. Minimally invasive procedures using body fluids (blood products, cell harvesting and amplification) allow us to improve outcomes naturally.
High end sports enthusiasts and children demand very specialized treatment due to the extreme demands placed on their bodies. Having treated hundreds of children, high school, college and professional athletes, Dr. Grimes is trained in and utilizes the newest techniques to provide the best care possible for rapid healthy recovery. Once “recovered”, an athlete isn’t done! Going beyond where an athlete was, when the injury occurred, to protect against future injuries is imperative to avoid a reinjury. This often includes global and selective Physical Therapy modalitis to achieve a superior outcome.
When joint replacements were first utilized for severe arthritis, a skilled surgeon would replace a joint with guidance systems penetrating the bone to provide physical information to align the components. Computer navigation and robotics allow surgeons to precisely align the resulted joint to a patient’s own anatomical and physiological anatomy. Providing very specific joints treatment may provide better function and longer lasting joints.
I talked to several doctors – none of them affiliated with Flagler Hospital, ” who told me, ” they could replace my hip, but that I should come to terms with the idea that I should probably never run again.” Well, that was not the answer I was looking for. So I found a kindred spirit in Dr. James Grimes, who in addition to being a highly regarded orthopedic surgeon is also an exercise enthusiast. He understood my desires and developed a plan just for me. There is never a guarantee in these things, but I felt with Flagler Hospital and Dr. Grimes, I was giving it my best shot – and it really worked out. My right hip actually feels much stronger than my left hip now; it really feels solid. Zero pain. I have plenty of friends my age who have gone through similar surgeries and I feel blessed to be doing so well.
Peter Spiller
I was 75 years old in April of 2013, when Dr. Grimes performed hip replacement surgery on my right hip. He used the anterior approach procedure early in the morning. By 12:30 p.m. I was able to sit in a chair and walked down the hall with a walker that afternoon. I NEVER experienced very much pain, and after leaving the hospital I NEVER took any medication for pain. There are no words to express my thanks and gratitude to Dr. Grimes, his assistants, and the care of those in his office. Blessings to all! GG
Genie G.
I had an exciting and physically demanding career in the construction business in Massachusetts. After becoming empty nesters, me and my wife moved to the U.S. Virgin Islands where we lived for over 15 years. While visiting a childhood friend in St. Augustine we fell in love with the marsh and six weeks later moved to Anastasia Island. In my spare time I had always enjoyed working on antique cars, but joint pain started limiting my abilities. I had both knees and hips replaced by Dr. Grimes with amazing recovery times.
Dennis Demar